Accueil > Artistes > Pinkfong > Albums et Singles

Albums et singles de Pinkfong

Halloween Songs

1. Halloween Is Almost Here
2. Spooky Pooky
3. The Skeleton Band
4. The Dark House
5. Who Took the Candies
6. The Little Ghost
7. Knock, Knock! Trick-or-Treat
8. Halloween Party

Pinkfong Christmas Carols 2

1. Merry Twistmas Pinkfong
2. Christmas Every Day
3. The Red-Nosed Reindeer Rudolph
4. Christmas Sharks
5. The Santa Band
6. Santa's Elves

Halloween Songs 2

1. The Spooky Bus
2. Halloween Costume Party
3. Three Scarecrows
4. Five Little Pumpkins

Shape Songs

1. Shape Friends
2. Doodle With Circles
3. Triangles Under the Sea
4. Square Robot
5. Shapes in the Jungle
6. Drawing Shapes
7. I Can Make a Circle
8. Dancing Shapes
9. Shape Circus
10. Shapes Are All Around

Baby Shark Special

1. Baby Shark
2. Halloween Shark
3. Christmas Sharks
4. Valentine's Day Sharks
5. Pirate Baby Shark
6. Be Happy With Baby Shark
7. Baby Shark Music Box
8. Baby Shark 1.5x

Pinkfong Animal Songs

1. Baby Shark
2. Animals Sound Fun
3. Jungle Boogie
4. The Penguin Dance
5. My Pet, My Buddy
6. Under the Sea
7. The Lion
8. Will You Marry Me?
9. Night Animals
10. Baby Animals
11. Hide ’n Seek
12. Abc Animal Train
13. Animal Families
14. Did You Ever See My Tail?
15. Whose Tails?
16. Animal Rhythms
17. Peek-a-Zoo
18. Animal Action
19. Animals, Animals
20. Hibernation Song

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