Accueil > Artistes > Dub > Pere Ubu > Albums et Singles

Albums et singles de Pere ubu

Terminal Tower

1. Heart Of Darkness
2. 30 Seconds Over Tokyo
3. Final Solution
4. Cloud 149
5. Untitled
6. My Dark Ages
7. Heaven
8. Humor Me (live)
9. The Book Is On The Table
10. Not Happy
11. Lonesome Cowboy Dave

The Art Of Walking

1. Go
2. Rhapsody In Pink
3. Arabia
4. Young Miles In The Basement
5. Misery Goats
6. Loop
7. Rounder
8. Birdies
9. Lost In Art
10. Horses
11. Crush This Horn
12. Arabian Nights

The Art Of Walking

1. Go
2. Rhapsody in Pink
3. Arabia
4. Young Miles in the Basement
5. Misery Goats
6. Loop
7. Rounder
8. Birdies
9. Lost in Art
10. Horses
11. Crush This Horn
12. Arabian Nights

New Picnic Time

1. The Fabulous Sequel
2. Guitars & One Girl
3. A Small Dark Cloud
4. Small Was Fast
5. All The Dogs Are Barking
6. One Less Worry
7. Make Hay
8. Goodbye
9. The Voice Of The Sand
10. Kingdom Come

Dub Housing

1. Navvy
2. On The Surface
3. Dub Housing
4. Caligari’s Mirror
5. Thriller!
6. I Will Wait
7. Drinking Wine Spodyody
8. Ubu Dance Party
9. Blow Daddy-o
10. Codex

Modern Dance

1. Nonalignment Pact
2. The Modern Dance
3. Laughing
4. Street Waves
5. Chinese Radiation
6. Life Stinks
7. Real World
8. Over My Head
9. Sentimental Journey
10. Humor Me

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