Accueil > Artistes > Variétés internationales > Paloma Faith > Albums et Singles

Albums et singles de Paloma faith

Picking Up The Pieces

1. Picking Up The Pieces
2. Picking Up The Pieces
3. Picking Up The Pieces
4. Picking Up The Pieces

Picking Up The Pieces

1. Picking Up The Pieces

Smoke And Mirrors

1. Smoke and Mirrors
2. Smoke and Mirrors
3. Smoke and Mirrors
4. Smoke and Mirrors

New York

1. New York
2. New York
3. Do You Want The Truth Or Something Beaut

Do You Want The Truth Or Something Beautiful?

1. Do You Want The Truth Or Something Beaut
2. Do You Want The Truth Or Something Beaut
3. Do You Want The Truth Or Something Beaut

Upside Down

1. Upside Down
2. Technicolour

Upside Down

1. Upside Down
2. Upside Down
3. Upside Down
4. Upside Down

Do You Want The Truth Or Something Beautiful?

1. Do You Want The Truth Or Something Beaut
2. Sexy Chick
3. Do You Want The Truth Or Something Beaut
4. Do You Want The Truth Or Something Beaut

Live Lounge 4

8. Sexy Chick
6. Mama Do (Uh Oh, Uh Oh)
9. A Million Love Songs
1. Ready For The Weekend
2. The Sweet Escape
10. Times Like These

Do You Want The Truth Or Something Beautiful?

1. Stone Cold Sober
2. Smoke & Mirrors
3. Broken Doll
4. Do You Want The Truth Or Something Beaut
5. Upside Down
6. Romance Is Dead
7. New York
8. Stargazer
9. My Legs Are Weak
10. Play On

New York

1. New York
2. New York
3. New York
4. New York

New York

1. New York
2. Luv Ya

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