Accueil > Artistes > Jazz > Ornette Coleman > Albums et Singles

Albums et singles de Ornette coleman

The Shape Of Jazz To Come

1. Lonely Woman
2. Eventually
3. Peace
4. Focus On Sanity
5. Congeniality
6. Chronology

First Take

1. Lonely Woman
2. Una Muy Bonita
3. Focus on Sanity
4. Free Jazz
5. WRU
6. Peace
7. Forerunner
8. First Take

Angel Voice

1. Angel Voice
2. The Disguise
3. The Sphinx
4. Invisible
5. Jayne
6. Chippie
7. Alpha
8. The Blessing
9. When Will The Blues Leave

Focus On Sanity

1. Lonely Woman
2. Eventually
3. Peace
4. Focus On Sanity
5. Congeniality
6. Chronology

The Shape Of Jazz To Come

1. Lonely Woman
2. Eventually
3. Peace
4. Focus On Sanity
5. Congeniality
6. Chronology

The Best Of Ornette Coleman

1. Broad Way Blues
2. Round Trip
3. Dawn
4. Dee Dee
5. Zig Zag
6. Good Old Days
7. Old Gospel

Les Incontournables Du Jazz - Ornette Coleman

1. Just For You (LP Version)
2. Lonely Woman (LP Version)
3. Blues Connotation (LP Version)
4. Music Always (LP Version)
5. Una Muy Bonita (LP Version)
6. Chronology (LP Version)
7. Ramblin' (LP Version)
8. Peace (LP Version)
9. C. & D. (Remastered LP Version)

Love Call

1. Airborne
2. Check Out Time
3. Check Out Time (alternate Version)
4. Open To The Public
5. Love Call
6. Love Call (alternate Version)
7. Just For You

New York Is Now

1. The Garden Of Souls
2. Toy Dance
3. Broad Way Blues
4. Broad Way Blues (alternate Version)
5. Round Trip
6. We Now Interrupt For A Commercial

At The 'golden Circle' Stockholm, Volume Two

1. Snowflakes And Sunshine
2. Morning Song
3. The Riddle
4. Antiques
5. Morning Song (alternate Take)
6. The Riddle (alternate Take)
7. Antiques (alternate Take)

The Music Of Ornette Coleman: Something Else!!!

1. Invisible
2. The Blessing
3. Jayne
4. Chippie
5. The Disguise
6. Angel Voice
7. Alpha
8. When Will The Blues Leave
9. The Sphinx

Tomorrow Is The Question!

1. Tomorrow Is The Question!
2. Tears Inside
3. Mind and Time
4. Compassion
5. Giggin'
6. Rejoicing
7. Lorraine
8. Turnaround
9. Endless

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