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Albums et singles de Motörhead

Rosalie (Live at Montreux, 2007)

1. Rosalie - Live at Montreux, 2007


1. Victory Or Die
2. Thunder & Lightning
3. Fire Storm Hotel
4. Shoot Out All of Your Lights
5. The Devil
6. Electricity
7. Evil Eye
8. Teach Them How To Bleed
9. Till The End
10. Tell Me Who To Kill
11. Choking On Your Screams
12. When The Sky Comes Looking For You
13. Sympathy For The Devil
14. Heroes
15. Bullet In Your Brain
16. Greedy Bastards
17. We Are Motörhead - (Live at Mt Fuji Fest
18. Damage Case - (Live at Mt Fuji Festival
19. Stay Clean - (Live at Mt Fuji Festival 2
20. Metropolis - (Live at Mt Fuji Festival 2
21. Over the Top - (Live at Mt Fuji Festival
22. String Theory - (Live at Mt Fuji Festiva
23. The Chase is Better Than the Catch - (Li
24. Rock It - (Live at Mt Fuji Festival 2015
25. Lost Woman Blues - (Live at Mt Fuji Fest
26. Doctor Rock - (Live at Mt Fuji Festival
27. Just 'Cos You Got the Power - (Live at M
28. Going to Brazil - (Live at Mt Fuji Festi
29. Ace of Spades - (Live at Mt Fuji Festiva
30. Overkill - (Live at Mt Fuji Festival 201

Greedy Bastards

1. Greedy Bastards
2. Bullet In Your Brain

The Löst Tapes, Vol. 4 (Live in Heilbronn 1984)

1. Iron Fist - Live at Sporthalle, Heilbron
2. Stay Clean - Live at Sporthalle, Heilbro
3. Heart of Stone - Live at Sporthalle, Hei
4. The Hammer - Live at Sporthalle, Heilbro
5. Metropolis - Live at Sporthalle, Heilbro
6. Shoot You in the Back - Live at Sporthal
7. Jailbait - Live at Sporthalle, Heilbronn
8. Killed By Death - Live at Sporthalle, He
9. Ace of Spades - Live at Sporthalle, Heil
10. Steal Your Face - Live at Sporthalle, He
11. Nothing Up My Sleeve - Live at Sporthall
12. Road Crew Introduction - Adrian - Live a
13. (We Are) The Road Crew - Live at Sportha
14. Bite the Bullet - Live at Sporthalle, He
15. The Chase Is Better Than the Catch - Liv
16. No Class - Live at Sporthalle, Heilbronn
17. Motörhead - Live at Sporthalle, Heilbron
18. Bomber - Live at Sporthalle, Heilbronn,
19. Overkill - Live at Sporthalle, Heilbronn

Bullet In Your Brain

1. Bullet In Your Brain


1. Killed by Death
2. Boogeyman
3. Dog-Face Boy
4. Smiling Like a Killer
5. Snaggletooth

Iron Fist (Deluxe 40th Anniversary Edition)

1. Iron Fist - 40th Anniversary Master
2. Heart of Stone - 40th Anniversary Master
3. I'm the Doctor - 40th Anniversary Master
4. Go to Hell - 40th Anniversary Master
5. Loser - 40th Anniversary Master
6. Sex and Outrage - 40th Anniversary Maste
7. America - 40th Anniversary Master
8. Shut It Down - 40th Anniversary Master
9. Speedfreak - 40th Anniversary Master
10. (Don't Let 'Em) Grind Ya Down - 40th Ann
11. (Don't Need) Religion - 40th Anniversary
12. Bang to Rights - 40th Anniversary Master
13. Remember Me, I'm Gone
14. The Doctor - Jacksons Studio Demos - Oct
15. Young & Crazy - Alternative version of S
16. Loser - Jacksons Studio Demos - October
17. Iron Fist - Jacksons Studio Demos - Octo
18. Go to Hell - Jacksons Studio Demos - Oct
19. Lemmy Goes to the Pub - Alternate Versio
20. Same Old Song, I'm Gone - Alternate Vers
21. (Don't Let 'Em) Grind You Down - Alterna
22. Shut It Down - Jacksons Studio Demos - O
23. Sponge Cake - Instrumental;Jacksons Stud
24. Ripsaw Teardown - Instrumental;Jacksons
25. Peter Gunn - Instrumental;Jacksons Studi
26. Iron Fist - Live at Glasgow Apollo, 18th
27. Heart of Stone - Live at Glasgow Apollo,
28. Shoot You in the Back - Live at Glasgow
29. The Hammer - Live at Glasgow Apollo, 18t
30. Loser - Live at Glasgow Apollo, 18th Mar
31. Jailbait - Live at Glasgow Apollo, 18th
32. America - Live at Glasgow Apollo, 18th M
33. White Line Fever - Live at Glasgow Apoll
34. (Don't Need) Religion - Live at Glasgow
35. Go to Hell - Live at Glasgow Apollo, 18t
36. Capricorn - Live at Glasgow Apollo, 18th
37. (Don't Let 'Em) Grind Ya Down - Live at
38. (We Are The) Road Crew - Live at Glasgow
39. Ace of Spades - Live at Glasgow Apollo,
40. Bite the Bullet - Live at Glasgow Apollo
41. The Chase Is Better Than the Catch - Liv
42. Overkill - Live at Glasgow Apollo, 18th
43. Bomber - Live at Glasgow Apollo, 18th Ma
44. Motörhead - Live at Glasgow Apollo, 18th

(Don't Let 'Em) Grind Ya Down [Live at Glasgow Apollo, 18th March 1982]

1. (Don't Let 'Em) Grind Ya Down - Live at
2. Iron Fist - Jacksons Studio demos - Octo

Iron Fist (Jacksons Studio demos - October 1981)

1. Iron Fist - Jacksons Studio demos - Octo

The Löst Tapes Vol. 3 (Live in Malmö 2000)

1. We Are Motörhead - Live at KB Hallen, Ma
2. Bomber - Live at KB Hallen, Malmö, 17th
3. No Class - Live at KB Hallen, Malmö, 17t
4. I'm So Bad (Baby I Don't Care) - Live at
5. Over Your Shoulder - Live at KB Hallen,
6. Civil War - Live at KB Hallen, Malmö, 17
7. Metropolis - Live at KB Hallen, Malmö, 1
8. Shoot You in the Back - Live at KB Halle
9. God Save the Queen - Live at KB Hallen,
10. Born to Raise Hell - Live at KB Hallen,
11. Stay Out of Jail - Live at KB Hallen, Ma
12. Damage Case - Live at KB Hallen, Malmö,
13. Sacrifice - Live at KB Hallen, Malmö, 17
14. Orgasmatron - Live at KB Hallen, Malmö,
15. Lemmy Bass Solo - Live at KB Hallen, Mal
16. Going to Brazil - Live at KB Hallen, Mal
17. Broken - Live at KB Hallen, Malmö, 17th
18. Iron Fist - Live at KB Hallen, Malmö, 17
19. Killed By Death - Live at KB Hallen, Mal
20. Ace of Spades - Live at KB Hallen, Malmö
21. Overkill - Live at KB Hallen, Malmö, 17t

A Wild Night In

1. Rock Out
2. One Night Stand
3. Sex and Outrage
4. Doctor Rock
5. Love Me Like a Reptile


1. Sacrifice
2. See Me Burning
3. Terminal Show
4. Locomotive
5. Red Raw
6. Ridin' with the Driver

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