Manuel de Falla
Manuel de Falla: Essential Works
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El amor brujo, IMF 1: I. Introduction y escena en la cueva
El amor brujo, IMF 1: IV. El Apareicido - V. Danza del Terror
El amor brujo, IMF 1: VI. El circulo magico
El amor brujo, IMF 1: VIII. Danza ritual del fuego
El amor brujo, IMF 1: XI. Pantomima
El amor brujo, IMF 1: VI. Danza del juego de amor
El amor brujo, IMF 1: VII. Finale. Les Campanas del Amanecer
The Three Cornered Hat, IMF 15: I. Introduction
The Three Cornered Hat, IMF 15: II. Afternoon
The Three Cornered Hat, IMF 15: III. The Procession
The Three Cornered Hat, IMF 15: IV. Dance of the Miller's Wife
The Three Cornered Hat, IMF 15: V. The Corregidor
The Three Cornered Hat, IMF 15: VI. The Miller's Wife
The Three Cornered Hat, IMF 15: VII. The Grapes
The Three Cornered Hat, IMF 15: VIII. The Neighbor's Dance
The Three Cornered Hat, IMF 15: IX. The Miller's Dance
The Three Cornered Hat, IMF 15: X. The Miller's Arrest
The Three Cornered Hat, IMF 15: XI. Dance of the Corregidor
The Three Cornered Hat, IMF 15: XII. Final Dance
Nights in the Gardens of Spain, IMF 8: I. En el Generalife
Nights in the Gardens of Spain, IMF 8: II. Danza lejana
Nights in the Gardens of Spain, IMF 8: III. En los jardines de la Sierra de Cordoba
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Manuel de Falla Manuel de Falla: Essential Works
Manuel de Falla De Falla El Amor Brujo, The Three-Cornered Hat and La vida breve and Albeniz Iberia Book 2