Accueil > Artistes > Dance, Clubbing, Techno > Liam > Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets


Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets

Meilleure position : n° 121 du Top Albums France, pendant 1 semaine.
6 au total classé dans le Top Albums France.

Entré dans le Top Albums France du 02/12/2002, en 135e position.
Sorti du Top Albums France le 30/12/2002, en 127e position.

Ecoutez & téléchargez cet album

Prologue: Book Ii And The Escape From The Dursleys
Fawkes The Phoenix
The Chamber Of Secrets
Gilderoy Lockhart
The Flying Car
Knockturn Alley
Introducing Colin
The Dueling Club
Dobby The House Elf
The Spiders
Moaning Myrtle
Meeting Aragog
Fawkes Is Reborn
Meeting Tom Riddle
Cornish Pixies
Polyjuice Potion
Cakes For Crabbe And Goyle
Dueling The Basilisk
Reunion Of Friends
Harry's Wondrous World

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