Accueil > Artistes > Rap, Hip Hop international > Kwame > Albums et Singles


Rap, Hip Hop » Rap, Hip Hop international

Albums et singles de Kwame

Malkia (feat. Mg)

1. Malkia (feat. Mg)


1. Malkia

A Day In The Life: A Pokadelick Adventure

1. Da' Man (lp Version)
2. Skinee Muva (lp Version)
3. Yes Yes Yall (lp Version)
4. A Day In The Life (lp Version)
5. Itz Oh Kay (lp Version)
6. Therez A Partee Goinz On (lp Version)
7. Oneovdabigboiz (lp Version)
8. Hai (heart Symbol) (lp Version)
9. Whoz Dat Guy (lp Version)
10. Doin' Ma Thang (lp Version)
11. Ownlee Eue (lp Version)
12. Ownlee Eue (reprise) (lp Version)

The Boy Genius Featuring The New Beginning

1. Boy Genius (lp Version)
2. U Gotz 2 Get Down (lp Version)
3. The Rhythm (lp Version)
4. The Man We All Know And Love (lp Version
5. The Mic Is Mine (lp Version)
6. Keep On Doin' (what You're Doin' Baby) (
7. Push The Panic Button!!! (lp Version)
8. Sweet Thing (lp Version)

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