Accueil > Artistes > Rock inde > Kodaline > Albums et Singles

Albums et singles de Kodaline

Coming Up for Air

1. Honest
2. The One
3. Autopilot
4. Human Again
5. Unclear
6. Coming Alive
7. Lost
8. Ready
9. Better
10. Everything Works Out in the End
11. Play the Game
12. Love Will Set You Free
13. Caught in the Middle
14. War
15. Moving on
16. Honest - Acoustic

Coming Up for Air - Track by Track Commentary (Preview Clips)

1. Intro
2. Honest - Commentary
3. Honest
4. The One - Commentary
5. The One
6. Autopilot - Commentary
7. Autopilot
8. Human Again - Commentary
9. Human Again
10. Unclear - Commentary
11. Unclear
12. Coming Alive - Commentary
13. Coming Alive
14. Lost - Commentary
15. Lost
16. Ready - Commentary
17. Ready
18. Better - Commentary
19. Better
20. Everything Works Out in the End - Commen
21. Everything Works Out in the End
22. Play the Game - Commentary
23. Play the Game
24. Love Will Set You Free - Commentary
25. Love Will Set You Free


1. Ready


1. Autopilot


1. Unclear


1. Honest

In A Perfect World

1. One Day
2. All I Want
3. Love Like This
4. High Hopes
5. Brand New Day
6. After the Fall
7. Big Bad World
8. All Comes Down
9. Talk
10. Pray
11. Way Back When
1. Perfect World
2. Brand New Day
3. The Answer
4. Lose Your Mind
5. All My Friends
6. Midnight
7. Love Like This
8. Gabriel
9. Latch
10. All I Want
11. High Hopes
12. Same Love

One Day

1. One Day
2. Take Control
3. Common Ground

Love Like This

1. Love Like This
2. What It Is
3. Midnight
4. Love Like This

Brand New Day

1. Brand New Day
2. Gabriel
3. Brand New Day
4. Perfect World

In A Perfect World (deluxe)

1. One Day
2. All I Want
3. Love Like This
4. High Hopes
5. Brand New Day
6. After the Fall
7. Big Bad World
8. All Comes Down
9. Talk
10. Pray
11. Way Back When
12. The Answer
13. Perfect World
14. Lose Your Mind

In A Perfect World

1. One Day
2. All I Want
3. Love Like This
4. High Hopes
5. Brand New Day
6. After the Fall
7. Big Bad World
8. All Comes Down
9. Talk
10. Pray
11. Way Back When

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