Accueil > Artistes > Rock inde > Kim > Albums et Singles

Albums et singles de Kim

Archiconventionnel Vol. 1 : Répétitif

1. Ice Cream
2. Geoffrey Torres

Married On

1. Sexy Lady Lane
2. If Molly Can Work
3. Married On
4. Rome For Lady Eight
5. Married Out (part 1)
6. Lady Eight Mk Theme
7. Rome For Melodin Sane
8. Married Out (part 2)

Goodbye Lady Lane

1. Rainbow on your raincoat
2. A day is not an hour
3. Help in bag
4. Ocean bird
5. Is there a lie
6. The songs we ever played
7. Your adulthood
8. Ugly boy
9. I know you could dance
10. His real name

La Cuisine Selon Certains Principes

1. Cuisine
2. Manolo
3. Interlude
4. Roulé
5. Narcotic Drugs for Mathias Malzieu
6. 4NC
7. Surfin' Ramona
8. Petit déjeuner chez Armando
9. Cuisine Blues
10. Chez Armando 22h août 97
11. Folk VI
12. Ragtime Cuisine for Woody Allen
13. Fourchette
14. Sitar
15. La cuisine selon certains principes
16. La tempête du 27/12/99 à 22h
17. Organ V
18. Chez Duck
19. Chez Eric Castagnes dans la cuisine
20. Organ II
21. Jule's Lament
22. Pop expérimentale
23. Folk VII
24. Rue Du Cancera
25. Folk VIII
26. 4 Marimbas
27. Ariba!
28. 4 contrebasses
29. Pourquoi pas après tout ?
30. Olala quand même

Kim & The Cadillacs

1. Stop
2. Cadillacs
3. Heartbreaker
4. Foot Stompin' R'N'R
5. Boogie Woogie Cowboy
6. Personality
8. I'm Ready
9. Nature Boy
10. Sweet Little Sixteen
11. Rip It Up
12. Chantilly Lace
2. Let Me Rock You
3. Blue Moon
4. Oh! Carol
5. Diana
6. I Got A Feeling
7. Jenny B. Badde
8. Kim Of Rock'N'Roll
9. Summertime Blues
10. Let It Be Me
11. Come On Baby
12. Rebel Rouser
7. Ecstasy
1. Be Bop A Lula

The Hard Rock

1. La grande traversée
2. Over & Over
3. Babe's Got the Noawne
4. My Dolly Wake Up!
5. Babe's Got a Ringo Lone
6. Armando
7. Ultra Violence
8. David Lespes
9. Marlene On a Sofa
10. Daisy Hawkins
11. Stay
12. Mk 118

Jesus On A Palmtree (2000)

1. Jesus On a Palmtree
2. Mk Tortue

Folk Organ

1. Folk I
2. Folk II
3. Folk III
4. Folk IV
5. Folk V
6. Organ I
7. Organ II (Piano)
8. Organ III
9. Organ IV

Rastafari Ganja People (1999)

1. Rastafari Ganja People
2. Version

Radio Dub

1. 1974
2. Good Friend
3. Grand lit
4. New Wave Jukebox
5. Blue Day
6. Dear Anna
7. Sarah Lidcom Ii
8. Girl N°6
9. Hard Rock
10. Yellow Day
11. Radio Dub
12. Soul Static Sleep
13. Ecobi the Mistake
14. Arnold Ballad
15. Hair Bag
16. MK Citron
17. All Falls Down
18. Ambiant
19. If KG Was a DJ
20. Sad Friend
21. Dub Day
22. Hard Day
23. The Only One Place
24. Did You Think I'm Gone
25. Dolly Sweet Lady Lane
26. Onigul
27. Mk 61
28. Arnold Ballad Reprise
29. In a Sitcom
30. Mellow d'Insane

Melodin Sane

1. Melo D'insane
2. Good Evening Ballad
3. Nowhere Is Home
4. 16 Btp/Mk Love Ballad
5. Mk 40
6. Mk 48
7. Alone Boy
8. 17h50
9. Until
10. Long Way
11. Sleep In Bag
12. Your Birthday
13. Rent Old Days
14. Not Sure
15. Rent Holidays
16. 16h50
17. James Bond Girl
18. Calling
19. Melodin Sane
20. Alone Man
21. Sad Morning Ballad
22. The Night We Called Us
23. 1000 Encouragements

Harold (1997)

1. A Guy Called Harold
2. 1964
3. The Things You Said
4. Max Pecas

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