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Albums et singles de Kiss

I Love It Loud

1. I Love It Loud - Live In Rockford, Illin

KISS Off The Soundboard: Live In Des Moines

1. I Stole Your Love - Live In Veterans Mem
2. King Of The Night Time World - Live In V
3. Ladies Room - Live In Veterans Memorial
4. Firehouse - Live In Veterans Memorial Au
5. Love Gun - Live In Veterans Memorial Aud
6. Let Me Go, Rock 'N Roll - Live In Vetera
7. Makin' Love - Live In Veterans Memorial
8. Christine Sixteen - Live In Veterans Mem
9. Shock Me - Live In Veterans Memorial Aud
10. I Want You - Live In Veterans Memorial A
11. Calling Dr. Love - Live In Veterans Memo
12. Shout It Out Loud - Live In Veterans Mem
13. God Of Thunder - Live In Veterans Memori
14. Rock And Roll All Nite - Live In Veteran
15. Detroit Rock City - Live In Veterans Mem
16. Beth - Live In Veterans Memorial Auditor
17. Black Diamond - Live In Veterans Memoria

Betrayed (Outtake)

1. Betrayed - Outtake

Beth / Let Me Go, Rock 'N Roll (Live in Des Moines / 1977)

1. Beth - Live In Veterans Memorial Auditor
2. Let Me Go, Rock 'N Roll - Live In Vetera

Beth (Live In Des Moines / 1977)

1. Beth - Live In Veterans Memorial Auditor

Let Me Go, Rock 'N Roll (Live)

1. Let Me Go, Rock 'N Roll - Live In Vetera

KISS Off The Soundboard: Live In Donington

1. Deuce - Live In Donington / 1996
2. King Of The Night Time World - Live In D
3. Do You Love Me - Live In Donington / 199
4. Calling Dr. Love - Live In Donington / 1
5. Cold Gin - Live In Donington / 1996
6. Let Me Go, Rock 'N' Roll - Live In Donin
7. Shout It Out Loud - Live In Donington /
8. Watchin' You - Live In Donington / 1996
9. Firehouse - Live In Donington / 1996
10. Shock Me - Live In Donington / 1996
11. Strutter - Live In Donington / 1996
12. God Of Thunder - Live In Donington / 199
13. Love Gun - Live In Donington / 1996
14. 100,000 Years - Live In Donington / 1996
15. Black Diamond - Live In Donington / 1996
16. Detroit Rock City - Live In Donington /
17. Rock And Roll All Nite - Live In Doningt

Shout It Out Loud / Do You Love Me (Live In Donington / 1996)

1. Shout It Out Loud - Live In Donington /
2. Do You Love Me - Live In Donington / 199

Shout It Out Loud (Live In Donington / 1996)

1. Shout It Out Loud - Live In Donington /

Do You Love Me (Live In Donington / 1996)

1. Do You Love Me - Live In Donington / 199

KISS Off The Soundboard: Live In Virginia Beach

1. Love Gun - Live In Virginia Beach / 2004
2. Deuce - Live In Virginia Beach / 2004
3. Makin' Love - Live In Virginia Beach / 2
4. Lick It Up - Live In Virginia Beach / 20
5. Christine Sixteen - Live In Virginia Bea
6. Tears Are Falling - Live In Virginia Bea
7. She - Live In Virginia Beach / 2004
8. Got To Choose - Live In Virginia Beach /
9. I Love It Loud - Live In Virginia Beach
10. I Want You - Live In Virginia Beach / 20
1. Psycho Circus - Live In Virginia Beach /
2. King Of The Night Time World - Live In V
3. War Machine - Live In Virginia Beach / 2
4. 100,000 Years - Live In Virginia Beach /
5. Unholy - Live In Virginia Beach / 2004
6. Shout It Out Loud - Live In Virginia Bea
7. I Was Made For Loving You - Live In Virg
8. Detroit Rock City - Live In Virginia Bea
9. God Gave Rock N Roll To You - Live In Vi
10. Rock And Roll All Nite - Live In Virgini

I Was Made For Loving You (Live In Virginia Beach, 7/25/2004)

1. I Was Made For Loving You - Live In Virg

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