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Albums et singles de Joni mitchell

Joni Mitchell Archives – Vol. 1: The Early Years (1963-1967)

1. House Of The Rising Sun
2. John Hardy
3. Dark As A Dungeon
4. Tell Old Bill
5. Nancy Whiskey
6. Anathea
7. Copper Kettle
8. Fare Thee Well (Dink's Song)
9. Molly Malone
10. Introduction - Live at The Half Beat, Yo
11. Nancy Whiskey - Live at The Half Beat, Y
12. Intro To The Crow On The Cradle - Live a
13. The Crow On The Cradle - Live at The Hal
14. Pastures Of Plenty - Live at The Half Be
15. Every Night When The Sun Goes In - Live
16. Intro To Sail Away - Live at The Half Be
17. Sail Away - Live at The Half Beat, Yorkv
18. John Hardy - Live at The Half Beat, York
19. Dark As A Dungeon - Live at The Half Bea
20. Intro To Maids When You're Young Never W
21. Maids When You're Young Never Wed An Old
22. The Dowie Dens Of Yarrow - Live at The H
23. Deportee (Plane Crash At Los Gatos) - Li
24. The Long Black Rifle
25. Ten Thousand Miles
26. Seven Daffodils
1. Urge For Going
2. Born To Take The Highway
3. Here Today And Gone Tomorrow
4. What Will You Give Me
5. Let It Be Me
6. The Student Song
7. Day After Day
8. Like The Lonely Swallow
9. Favorite Colour
10. Me And My Uncle
11. Sad Winds Blowin'
12. Just Like Me
13. Night In The City
14. Brandy Eyes - Live at The 2nd Fret, Phil
15. Intro To Urge For Going - Live at The 2n
16. Urge For Going - Live at The 2nd Fret, P
17. Intro To What's The Story Mr. Blue - Liv
18. What's The Story Mr. Blue - Live at The
19. Eastern Rain - Live at The 2nd Fret, Phi
20. Intro To The Circle Game - Live at The 2
21. The Circle Game - Live at The 2nd Fret,
22. Intro To Night In The City - Live at The
23. Night In The City - Live at The 2nd Fret
1. Intro To Both Sides Now

I Don't Know Where I Stand (Live at Canterbury House, Ann Arbor, MI, 10/27/1967) [2nd Set]

1. I Don't Know Where I Stand (Live at Cant

Both Sides Now

1. Both Sides Now

Day After Day

1. Day After Day

Urge For Going

1. Urge For Going

House Of The Rising Sun

1. House Of The Rising Sun

"Make The Angels Cry" - Channel 11 Studio, August 3rd 1969. (Live)

1. Chelsea Morning - Live
2. Get Together - Live
3. Both Sides Now - Live

Live In Philadelphia 1966

1. Little Green (Live Broadcast 1966)
2. Joni Talks About London (Live Broadcast
3. Marcie (Live Broadcast 1966)
4. Joni Discusses London Bridge (Live Broad
5. London Bridge (Live Broadcast 1966)
6. Coca Cola Commercial (Live Broadcast 196
7. Ballerina Valerie (Live Broadcast 1966)
8. Michael From The Mountains (Live Broadca
9. Go Tell The Drummer Man (Live Broadcast
10. I Don't Know Where I Stand (Live Broadca
11. Brandy Eyes (Live Broadcast 1966)
12. Winter Lady (Live Broadcast 1966)
13. Joni discusses Bob Dylan And Song Writin
14. Mr. Blue (Live Broadcast 1966)
15. Urge For Going (Live Broadcast 1966)
16. Joni Discusses Influences (Live Broadcas
17. Both Sides Now (Live Broadcast 1966)
18. The Circle Game (Live Broadcast 1966)
19. Morning Morgantown (Live Broadcast 1966)
20. Born To Take The Highway (Live Broadcast
21. Eastern Rain (Live Broadcast 1966)
22. Joni Discusses Living In A Small Town (L
23. Song To A Seagull (Live Broadcast 1966)
24. Night In The City (Live Broadcast 1966)

Live In Philadelphia 1967

1. First Set Introduction (Live Broadcast 1
2. Morning Morgantown (Live Broadcast 1967)
3. Born To Take The Highway (Live Broadcast
4. Eastern Rain (Live Broadcast 1967)
5. The Circle Game (Live Broadcast 1967)
6. Introduction To Song For A Seagull (Live
7. Song To A Seagull (Live Broadcast 1967)
8. Carnival In Kenora (Live Broadcast 1967)
9. Second Set Introduction (Live Broadcast
10. Brandy Eyes (Live Broadcast 1967)
11. Winter Lady (Live Broadcast 1967)
12. Talking About Mr. Blue (Live Broadcast 1
13. Mr. Blue (Live Broadcast 1967)
14. Urge For Going (Live Broadcast 1967)
15. Both Sides Now (Live Broadcast 1967)
16. Night In The City (Live Broadcast 1967)
17. The Circle Game (2nd Version) [Live Broa

The Let's Sing Out Sessions 1965-66

1. Let's Sing Out (Version 1 Let's Sing Out
2. Favorite Color (Let's Sing Out 1965)
3. Me And My Uncle (Let's Sing Out 1965)
4. Let's Sing Out (Version 2 Let's Sing Out
5. Born To Take The Highway (Let's Sing Out
6. Blow Away The Morning Dew (Let's Sing Ou
7. Let's Sing Out (Version 3 Let's Sing Out
8. Just Like Me (Let's Sing Out 1966)
9. Urge For Going (Let's Sing Out 1966)
10. Let's Sing Out (Version 4 Let's Sing Out
11. Night In The City (Let's Sing Out 1966)
12. Blue On Blue (Let's Sing Out 1966)
13. Prithee Pretty Maiden (Let's Sing Out 19

Legendary FM Broadcasts - Nippon Budokan, Japan 7th March 1983

1. Free Man In Paris (Live 1983 FM Broadcas
2. Edith And The Kingpin (Live 1983 FM Broa
3. You Dream Flat Tires (Live 1983 FM Broad
4. Refuge Of The Roads (Live 1983 FM Broadc
5. You're So Square (Live 1983 FM Broadcast
6. For Free (Live 1983 FM Broadcast Remaste
7. Big Yellow Taxi (Live 1983 FM Broadcast
8. A Case Of You (Live 1983 FM Broadcast Re
9. God Must Be A Boogie Man (Live 1983 FM B
10. Wild Things Run Fast (Live 1983 FM Broad
11. Don't Interrupt The Sorrow (Live 1983 FM
12. Solid Love (Live 1983 FM Broadcast Remas
13. Chinese Cafe / Unchained Melody (Live 19
14. Help Me (Live 1983 FM Broadcast Remaster
15. You Turn Me On I'm A Radio (Live 1983 FM
16. Love (Live 1983 FM Broadcast Remastered)
17. Both Sides Now (Live 1983 FM Broadcast R
18. Underneath The Streetlight (Live 1983 FM
19. Woodstock (Live 1983 FM Broadcast Remast
20. Carey (Live 1983 FM Broadcast Remastered

Club 47

1. Cactus Tree - Live at Club 47, Remastere
2. Night In The City - Live at Club 47, Rem
3. Gift Of The Magi - Live at Club 47, Rema
4. I Had A King - Live at Club 47, Remaster
5. Morning Morgantown - Live at Club 47, Re
6. Ballerina Valerie - Live at Club 47, Rem
7. Song To A Seagull - Live at Club 47, Rem
8. Both Sides Now - Live at Club 47, Remast
9. Conversation - Live at Club 47, Remaster
10. Come To The Sunshine - Live at Club 47,
11. Chelsea Morning - Live at Club 47, Remas
12. The Pirate Of Penzance - Live at Club 47
13. The Way It Is - Live at Club 47, Remaste
14. The Dawntreader - Live at Club 47, Remas

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