Accueil > Artistes > B.O.F. > Henry Jackman > Albums et Singles

Albums et singles de Henry jackman

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter

2. Vampires
3. What Do You Hate?
4. Power Comes from Truth
5. You Are Full of Surprises
6. Mary Todd
7. The Horse Stampede
8. Henry Sturgess
9. Adam
10. Rescue Mission
11. Inauguration
12. All Slave to Something
13. Emancipation
14. Haunted by the Past
15. Battle at Gettysburg
16. Forging Silver
17. 80 Miles
18. The Burning Bridge
19. Not the Only Railroad
20. The Gettysburg Address
21. Late to the Theater
22. The Rampant Hunter
1. Childhood Tragedy

Man On A Ledge Music From The Motion Picture

1. The Roosevelt Hotel
2. The Getaway
3. Little Miss Grim Reaper
4. Joey & Angie
5. Fly-By
6. Wire Tapping
7. The Diamond Thief
8. Make It Rain
9. Send In Tactical
10. Bird On A Wire
11. A Girl's Best Friend
12. The Monarch Diamond
13. Good Cop Bad Cop
14. Stand-Off On The Roof


1. Fairytale
2. Emmanuel
3. Preludium
4. Elegiac
5. Coda
6. Amoria
7. Miserere
8. Symphonia
9. Interludium
10. Transfiguration
11. Fairytale
12. Emmanuel
13. Preludium
14. Elegiac
15. Coda
16. Amoria
17. Miserere
18. Transfiguration

Gulliver's Travels

1. A Day In The Life Of Lemuel Gulliver
2. Blatant Plagiarism
3. The Bermuda Triangle
4. Behold The Beast
5. Involuntary Servitude
6. Nobody Save The Princess!
7. Delusions Of Grandeur
8. Dreaming Of A Princess
9. I Have Come To Court You
10. Forlorn
11. The Blefuscian Armada
12. How To Woo A Princess
13. Edwardian Hissy-Fit
14. Persona Non Grata
15. The Island Where We Dare Not Go
16. Take Off That Dress, And Lets Get Outta
17. Ein Roboterleben
18. Farewell To Lilliput

Gulliver's Travels

1. A Day In The Life Of Lemuel Gulliver
2. Blatant Plagiarism
3. The Bermuda Triangle
4. Behold The Beast
5. Involuntary Servitude
6. Nobody Save The Princess!
7. Delusions Of Grandeur
8. Dreaming Of A Princess
9. I Have Come To Court You
10. Forlorn
11. The Blefuscian Armada
12. How To Woo A Princess
13. Edwardian Hissy-Fit
14. Persona Non Grata
15. The Island Where We Dare Not Go
16. Take Off That Dress, And Lets Get Outta
17. Ein Roboterleben
18. Farewell To Lilliput

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