GrendelAutoproductions » Autoproduction Hard rock, MetalGrendelLe Diable En PersonneEcoutez & téléchargez cet album
Grendel, c'est aussi...Age of the Disposable Body Inhumane Amusement at the End of Ages: Redux Prescription:Medicide (Redux) Le Diable En Personne Ascending the Abyss Timewave : Zero
Prescription : Medicide
Social Distortion Rotting Garden Kurtz Void Malign Dirty Construct Constriction Aspiration Feed Hate This New Flesh Guilt By Association Pax Psychosis Soilbleed Interrogation Leash Harsh Generation The Judged Ones Remnants Chemicals + Circuitry B.A.A.L. (Deliver Me) Shortwired |