Accueil > Artistes > Country > Gillian Welch > Boots No. 2: The Lost Songs, Vol. 2

Gillian Welch

Boots No. 2: The Lost Songs, Vol. 2

Ecoutez & téléchargez cet album

Wouldn't Be So Bad
Didn't I
Good Baby
Hundred Miles
Rambling Blade
I Only Cry When You Go
Lonesome Just Like You
You Only Have Your Soul
Beautiful Boy
Happy Mother's Day
Papa Writes to Johnny
Fair September
Wella Hella
I Just Want You To Know

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Boots No. 1: The Official Revival Bootleg

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Boots No. 2: The Lost Songs, Vol. 3

Gillian Welch
Boots No. 2: The Lost Songs, Vol. 1

Gillian Welch
Boots No. 2: The Lost Songs, Vol. 2

Gillian Welch
Hell Amongst The Yearlings

Gillian Welch
All The Good Times

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