Accueil > Artistes > Afrique > Fela Kuti > Albums et Singles

Albums et singles de Fela kuti

Fela & Roy Ayers + Livret Digital

1. 2000 Blacks Got to Be Free
2. Africa-Centre of the World

Authority Stealing

1. Authority Stealing (Parts 1,2)

Why Black Man Dey Suffer + Livret Digital

1. Why Black Man Dey Suffer
2. Ikoyi Mentality Versus Mushin Mentality


1. Shuffering/Shmiling (Parts 1, 2)

Unnecessary Begging + Livret Digital

1. No Buredi/No Bread
2. Unnecessary Begging

Kalakuta Show + Livret Digital

1. Kalakuta Show
2. Don't Make Garan Garan


1. V.I.P (Parts 1, 2)

Stalemate + Livret Digital

1. Stalemate
2. Don't Worry About My Mouth/African Messa

Johnny Just Drop (j.j.d)

1. J.J.D (Parts 1, 2) + Livret Digital

Shakara + Livret Digital

1. Lady
2. Shakara (oloje)

Na Poi + Livret Digital

1. Na poi (parts 1, 2)
2. You No Go Die...Unless

Noise For Vendor Mouth + Livret Digital

1. Noise for Vendor Mouth
2. Mattress

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