Accueil > Artistes > Hard Rock > Diabolical Masquerade > The Phantom Lodge

Diabolical Masquerade

The Phantom Lodge

Ecoutez & téléchargez cet album

Astray Within the Coffinwood Mill
The Puzzling Constellation Of A Deathrune
The Walk of the Hunchbacked
Cloaked By the Moonshine Mist
Across the Open Vault and Away...
The Blazing Demondome of Murmurs and Secrecy
Upon the Salty Wall of the Broody Gargoyle

Diabolical Masquerade, c'est aussi...

Diabolical Masquerade
Death's Design

Diabolical Masquerade
The Phantom Lodge

Diabolical Masquerade
Ravendusk In My Heart

Diabolical Masquerade
Ravendusk In My Heart

Diabolical Masquerade

Diabolical Masquerade

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