Accueil > Artistes > Punk, Hardcore > Dance Gavin Dance > Albums et Singles

Albums et singles de Dance gavin dance

Lemon Meringue Tie (Tree City Sessions)

1. Lemon Meringue Tie (Tree City Sessions)

Alex English (Tree City Sessions)

1. Alex English (Tree City Sessions)

Instant Gratification

1. We Own The Night
2. Stroke God, Millionaire
3. Something New
4. On The Run
5. Shark Dad
6. Awkward
7. The Cuddler
8. Legend
9. Eagle vs. Crows
10. Death Of A Strawberry
11. Variation
12. Lost

On The Run

1. On The Run

We Own The Night

1. We Own The Night

Pussy Vultures

1. Pussy Vultures

Acceptance Speech

1. Jesus H. Macy
2. The Robot with Human Hair pt. 4
3. Acceptance Speech
4. Carve
5. Doom & Gloom
6. Strawberry Swisher pt. 3
7. Honey Revenge
8. Demo Team
9. Death of the Robot with Human Hair
10. The Jiggler
11. Turn Off the Lights. I'm Watching Back t

Downtown Battle Mountain Ii

1. Spooks
2. Pounce Bounce
3. The Robot with Human Hair Pt.2 1/2
4. Thug City
5. Need Money
6. Elder Goose
7. Heat Seeking Ghost Of Sex
8. Blue Dream
9. Privilously Poncheezied
10. Swan Soup
11. Purple Reign

Downtown Battle Mountain Ii

1. Spooks
2. Pounce Bounce
3. The Robot with Human Hair Pt.2 1/2
4. Thug City
5. Need Money
6. Elder Goose
7. Heat Seeking Ghost Of Sex
8. Blue Dream
9. Privilously Poncheezied
10. Swan Soup
11. Purple Reign


1. Tree Village
3. I'm Down With Brown Town
4. Carl Barker
5. Happiness
6. Self-Trepanation
7. Strawberry Swisher Pt. 1
8. Don't Tell Dave
9. Strawberry Swisher Pt. 2
10. Powder to the People


1. Tree Village
3. I'm Down With Brown Town
4. Carl Barker
5. Happiness
6. Self-Trepanation
7. Strawberry Swisher Pt. 1
8. Don't Tell Dave
9. Strawberry Swisher Pt. 2
10. Powder to the People


1. Tree Village
3. I'm Down With Brown Town
4. Carl Barker
5. Happiness
6. Self-Trepanation
7. Strawberry Swisher Pt. 1
8. Don't Tell Dave
9. Strawberry Swisher Pt. 2
10. Powder to the People

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