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Albums et singles de Damien jurado

Other People's Songs Volume One

1. Be Not so Fearful
2. Hello Sunshine
3. Sweetness
4. Sincere Replies
5. If the Sun Stops Shinin'
6. Follow Me
7. Outside My Window
8. Radioactivity
9. Crazy Like a Fox

Hello Sunshine

1. Hello Sunshine

Visions of Us on the Land

1. November 20
2. Mellow Blue Polka Dot
4. Lon Bella
5. Sam and Davy
6. Prisms
9. On the Land Blues
10. Walrus
11. Exit 353
12. Cinco de Tomorrow
13. And Loraine
14. A.M. AM
15. Queen Anne
16. Orphans in the Key of E
17. Kola



Exit 353

1. Exit 353

Where Shall You Take Me

1. Amateur Night
2. Omaha
3. Abilene
4. Texas To Ohio
5. Window
6. I Can't Get Over You
7. Intoxicated Hands
8. Tether
9. Matinee
10. Bad Dreams
11. Abilene
12. I Can't Get Over You
13. The Killer
14. Amateur Night
15. Omaha
16. Smith 1972
17. Motion Sickness
18. Night Out For The Downer
19. Prices
20. Engine Fires


1. Nothing Is The News
2. Life Away From The Garden
3. Maraqopa
4. This Time Next Year
5. Reel To Reel
6. Working Titles
7. Everyone A Star
8. So On, Nevada
9. Museum Of Flight
10. Mountains Still Asleep

Live At Landlocked

1. Cloudy Shoes
2. Arkansas
3. Thax Douglas #1
4. Diamond Sea
5. Kansas City
6. The Loneliest Place
7. Harborview
8. The Falling Snow
9. Sheets
10. You For A While
11. Denton, Texas

Saint Bartlett

1. Cloudy Shoes
2. Arkansas
3. Rachel & Cali
4. Throwing Your Voice
5. Wallingford
6. Pear
7. Kansas City
8. Harborview
9. Kalama
10. The Falling Snow
11. Beacon Hill
12. With Lightning In Your Hands

Caught In The Trees

1. Gillian Was A Horse
2. Trials
3. Caskets
4. Coats Of Ice
5. Go First
6. Sorry Is For You
7. Last Rights
8. Dimes
9. Everything Trying
10. Sheets
11. Paper Kite
12. Best Dress
13. Predictive Living

Gillian Was A Horse

1. Gillian Was A Horse

The Big Let Down / Make Up Your Mind

1. Big Let Down
2. Make Up Your Mind

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