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Albums et singles de Culture club

Cold Shoulder

1. Cold Shoulder
2. Starman
3. Your Kisses Are Charity (dolly Mix)

I Just Wanna Be Loved

1. I Just Wanna Be Loved
2. I Just Wanna Be Loved (magic Man Remix)
3. Do You Really Want To Hurt Me (quivver M

Your Kisses Are Charity

1. Your Kisses Are Charity (blouse And Skir
2. Your Kisses Are Charity (delirium Tremor

Greatest Moments

1. Do You Really Want To Hurt Me
2. Time (clock Of The Heart)
3. Church Of The Poison Mind
4. Karma Chameleon
5. Victims
6. I'll Tumble 4 Ya
7. It's A Miracle
8. Miss Me Blind
9. Move Away
10. Love Is Love
11. Everything I Own
12. The Crying Game
13. I Just Wanna Be Loved
14. Generations Of Love (the Timewriter Boot

From Luxury To Heartache

1. Move Away
2. I Pray
3. Work On Me Baby
4. Gusto Blusto
5. Heaven's Children
6. God Thank You Woman
7. Reasons
8. Too Bad
9. Come Clean
10. Sexuality
11. Move Away (extended)
12. God Thank You Woman (extended)
13. Sexuality (extended)

This Time - Culture Club: The First Four Years

1. Karma Chameleon
2. Church Of The Poison Mind
3. Miss Me Blind
4. Time (clock Of The Heart)
5. It's A Miracle
6. Black Money
7. Do You Really Want To Hurt Me
8. Move Away
9. I'll Tumble 4 Ya
10. Love Is Love
11. The War Song
12. Victims
13. I'll Tumble 4 Ya (u.s. 12' Remix)
14. It's A Miracle/miss Me Blind (u.s. 12' R

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