Accueil > Artistes > Pop, Rock > Brian Eno > Albums et Singles

Albums et singles de Brian eno

Rough Trade Counter Culture 10

1. Casanova
2. Dreaming
3. One
4. Butthouse Blondies
5. Dream Out
6. Shutterbugg
7. Dust Shuffle
8. Own Side
9. Odessa
10. 1,2,3
11. Love Lends A Hand
12. Two Chords
13. It Dawns On Me
14. It Doesn't Arrive
15. Evelyn
16. Candy
17. Love Caboose
18. You
19. Sugar Hiccup
20. Under The Viaduct
21. JC Hates Faggots

Rough Trade Counter Culture 10

1. Casanova
2. Dreaming
3. One
4. Butthouse Blondies
5. Dream Out
6. Shutterbugg
7. Dust Shuffle
8. Own Side
9. Odessa
10. 1,2,3
11. Love Lends A Hand
12. Two Chords
13. It Dawns On Me
14. It Doesn't Arrive
15. Evelyn
16. Candy
17. Love Caboose
18. You
19. Sugar Hiccup
20. Under The Viaduct
21. JC Hates Faggots
1. Beasts Will Have You
2. You Put A Smell On Me
3. Vampire Jive
4. All Repro
5. Shoulder Trouble '07
6. Khulumani
7. Vinkonur
8. Returnal
9. Burnout Eyess
10. Lay In A Shimmer
11. Brambles
12. Wie Jeden Tag
13. Storm Song
14. All You Can Hide Inside
15. Desire Be Desire Go
16. Kvalla Oyun Havasi
17. Splendid Living
18. In Youth Is Pleasure
19. My Bro
20. Talamak
21. Girlfriend
22. Stereo Freeze
23. Nottingham Co-Operative Tape Club Advert

Music For Films

1. Aragon
2. From The Same Hill
3. Inland Sea
4. Two Rapid Formations
5. Slow Water
6. Sparrowfall (1)
7. Sparrowfall (2)
8. Sparrowfall (3)
9. Alternative 3
10. Quartz
11. Events In Dense Fog
12. There Is Nobody
13. Patrolling Wire Borders
14. A Measured Room
15. Task Force
16. M386
17. Strange Light
18. Final Sunset

Discreet Music

1. Discreet Music
2. Three Variations On The Canon In D Major
3. French Catalogues
4. Brutal Ardor


1. Under Stars
2. The Secret Place
3. Matta
4. Signals
5. An Ending (ascent)
6. Under Stars Ii
7. Drift
8. Silver Morning
9. Deep Blue Day
10. Weightless
11. Always Returning
12. Stars

Thursday Afternoon

1. Thursday Afternoon

Taking Tiger Mountain (by Strategy)

1. Burning Airlines Give You So Much More
2. Back In Judy's Jungle
3. Fat Lady Of Limbourg
4. Mother Whale Eyeless
5. The Great Pretender
6. Third Uncle
7. Put A Straw Under Baby
8. The True Wheel
9. China My China
10. Taking Tiger Mountain

(no Pussyfooting)

1. The Heavenly Music Corporation
2. Swastika Girls

Here Come The Warm Jets

1. Needles In The Camel's Eye
2. The Paw Paw Negro Blowtorch
3. Baby's On Fire
4. Cindy Tells Me
5. Driving Me Backwards
6. On Some Faraway Beach
7. Blank Frank
8. Dead Finks Don't Talk
9. Some Of Them Are Old
10. Here Come The Warm Jets

Another Green World

1. Sky Saw
2. Over Fire Island
3. St. Elmo's Fire
4. In Dark Trees
5. The Big Ship
6. I'll Come Running
7. Another Green World
8. Sombre Reptiles
9. Little Fishes
10. Golden Hours
11. Becalmed
12. Zawinul Lava
13. Everything Merges With The Night
14. Spirits Drifting

Ambient 1/music For Airports

1. 1/1
2. 2/1
3. 1/2
4. 2/2

Ambient 4/on Land

1. Lizard Point
2. The Lost Day
3. Tal Coat
4. Shadow
5. Lantern Marsh
6. Unfamiliar Wind (leeks Hills)
7. A Clearing
8. Dunwich Beach, Autumn, 1960

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