Accueil > Artistes > Rock inde > Black Francis > Albums et Singles

Albums et singles de Black francis

The Seus

1. The Seus (Charles Normal Mix)

The Seus

1. The Seus

The Seus

1. The Seus
2. Serious Curious


1. Captain Pasty
2. Threshold Apprehension
3. Test Pilot Blues
4. Lolita
5. Tight Black Rubber
6. Angels Come To Comfort You
7. Your Mouth Into Mine
8. Discotheque 36
9. You Can't Break A Heart And Have It
10. She Took All The Money
11. Bluefinger

Captain Pasty

1. Captain Pasty

Captain Pasty

1. Captain Pasty

Threshold Apprehension

1. Threshold Apprehension (Radio Edit)

Frank Black Francis

1. The Holiday Song
2. I’m Amazed
3. Rock A My Soul
4. Isla De Encanta
5. Caribou
6. Broken Face
7. Build High
8. Nimrod’s Son
9. Ed Is Dead
10. Subbacultcha
11. Boom Chickaboom
12. I’ve Been Tired
13. Break My Body
14. Oh My Golly
15. Vamos
1. Caribou
2. Where Is My Mind
3. Cactus
4. Nimrod’s Son
5. Levitate Me
6. Wave Of Mutilation
7. Monkey Gone To Heaven
8. Velouria
9. The Holiday Song
10. Into The White
11. Is She Weird?
12. Subbacultcha
13. Planet of Sound

Frank Black Francis

1. The Holiday Song
2. I’m Amazed
3. Rock a My Soul
4. Isla de Encanta
5. Caribou
6. Broken Face
7. Build High
8. Nimrod’s Son
9. Ed is Dead
10. Subbacultcha
11. Boom Chickaboom
12. I’ve Been Tired
13. Break My Body
14. Oh My Golly
15. Vamos
16. Caribou
17. Where Is My Mind
18. Cactus
19. Nimrod’s Son
20. Levitate Me
21. Wave of Mutilation
22. Monkey Gone to Heaven
23. Velouria
24. The Holiday Song
25. Into the White
26. Is She Weird?
27. Subbacultcha
28. Planet of Sound

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