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Albums et singles de Anonymous

#manny (feat. Bassilyo, Crazymix, Eman The Great)

1. #manny


1. Maniac

Blue, Black, Red

1. Blue, Black, Red

Weh Mi Money Deh?

1. Weh Mi Money Deh?

Evensong From King's College, Cambridge

1. O Praise the Lord - anthem
2. Service of Evensong: I will arise...Almi
3. Responses
4. Service of Evensong: Psalm CXXVI; Psalm
5. Service of Evensong: Isaiah LXI
6. Services in G - chorus and organ, Op.81
7. Service of Evensong: St. Luke IV 16-32
8. Services in G - chorus and organ, Op.81
9. Service of Evensong: Creed
10. Service of Evensong: Prayers
11. Service of Evensong: Collects
12. Anthem: My beloved spake (1938)
13. Final Responses - choir
14. Toccata in B Minor

Maynard: The Xii Wonders Of The World; Character Songs

1. The Twelve Wonders of the World (1611):
2. The Twelve Wonders of the World (1611):
3. The Twelve Wonders of the World (1611):
4. The Twelve Wonders of the World (1611):
5. The Twelve Wonders of the World (1611):
6. The Twelve Wonders of the World (1611):
7. The Twelve Wonders of the World (1611):
8. The Twelve Wonders of the World (1611):
9. The Twelve Wonders of the World (1611):
10. The Twelve Wonders of the World (1611):
11. The Twelve Wonders of the World (1611):
12. The Twelve Wonders of the World (1611):
13. Jack and Joan: Jack and Joan
14. Tobacco, Tobacco: Tobacco, Tobacco
15. A poor soul sat sighing: A poor soul sat
16. The dark is my delight: The dark is my d
17. O let us howle (?Johnson): O let us howl
18. Yonder comes a courteous knight: Yonder
19. Come live with me and be my love: Come l
20. What ist'ye Jack: What ist'ye Jack
21. Joan quoth John: Joan quoth John

Mater Eucharistiae

1. Holy Mary, Mother Of God: Holy Mary, Mot
2. Jesu dulcis memoria (plainchant from Can
3. Te Deum: Te Deum
4. O Gloriosa Virginum: O Gloriosa Virginum
5. Ave Maria To Thee Holy Virgin: Ave Maria
6. Quid Retribuam: Quid Retribuam
7. I Am In Thy Hands, O Mary: I Am In Thy H
8. Sicut cervus desiderat: Sicut cervus des
9. Stella splendens: Stella splendens
10. Pange Lingua: Pange Lingua
11. The Annunciation: The Annunciation
12. "Ave Maris Stella": "Ave Maris Stella"
13. Angelus Ad Virginem: Angelus Ad Virginem
14. Adoro Te Devote: Adoro Te Devote
15. Salve Regina: Salve Regina

Advent At Ephesus

1. Veni Redemptor Gentium: Veni Redemptor G
2. Angelus ad virginem: Angelus ad virginem
3. Regnantem sempiterna: Regnantem sempiter
4. Gabriel's Message: Gabriel's Message
5. Creator Alme Siderum: Creator Alme Sider
6. Hayl Mary, ful of grace: Hayl Mary, ful
7. Rorate Caeli: Rorate Caeli
8. Praeparate Corda Vestra: Praeparate Cord
9. O Come O Come Emmanuel: O Come O Come Em
10. Benedixisti Domine: Benedixisti Domine
11. Maria durch ein Dornwald ging: Maria dur
12. Alma Redemptoris Mater: Alma Redemptoris
13. Adjuvabit eam: Adjuvabit eam
14. Venez Divin Messie: Venez Divin Messie
15. Vox clara ecce intonat: Vox clara ecce i
16. Like The Dawning: Like The Dawning

Violence Ep.

1. Cicatrice (Original Mix)
2. Livido (Original Mix)
3. Taglio (Original Mix)

Angels And Saints At Ephesus

1. O God Of Loveliness: O God Of Loveliness
2. Te Joseph Celebrent: Te Joseph Celebrent
3. Christe Sanctorum: Christe Sanctorum
4. Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence: Let A
5. Duo seraphim: Duo seraphim
6. Veritas Mea: Veritas Mea
7. Jesu Dulcis Memoria: Jesu Dulcis Memoria
8. Lorica Of St. Patrick: Lorica Of St. Pat
9. Est Secretum: Est Secretum
10. Virgin Wholly Marvelous: Virgin Wholly M
11. Laeta Quies: Laeta Quies
12. Ave Regina Caelorum: Ave Regina Caelorum
13. A Rose Unpetalled: A Rose Unpetalled
14. Emicat Meridies: Emicat Meridies
15. O Deus Ego Amo Te: O Deus Ego Amo Te
16. Jesu Corona Virginem: Jesu Corona Virgin
17. Dear Angel Ever At My Side: Dear Angel E

Inside The Shadow

1. Who's Been Foolin'?
2. J. Rider
3. Up to You
4. Shadow Lay
5. Pick Up and Run
6. We Got More
7. Sweet Lilac
8. Baby Come Risin'

Gregorian Chant

1. Regem venturum Dominum: Regem venturum D
2. Alleluia Ostende nobis: Alleluia Ostende
3. Veni redemptor gentium: Veni redemptor g
4. Ecce Virgo: Ecce Virgo
5. O Sapienta: O Sapienta
6. Hodie scietis
7. Hodie scietis
8. Alleluia. Crastina die
9. Tollite portas
10. Revelabitur
11. Nunc tempus acceptabile
12. Alleluia. Confitemini
13. Resurrexi
14. Haec dies
15. Alleluia. Pascha nostrum
16. Victimae paschali laudes
17. Terra tremuit
18. Pascha nostrum
19. Jesu, nostra redemptio
20. Alleluia. Ascendit Deus (IV)
21. In paradisum - Chorus angelorum
22. Ego sum resurrectio et vita - Canticum Z
23. Hymnus (VIII): Veni creator Spiritus
24. Introitus (III): Intret oratio mea
25. Communio (V): Ultimo festivitatis die
26. Hymnus (VIII): Salve mater
27. O gloriosa Domina
28. Gabriel Angelus (& Magnificat)
29. Ave Maria
30. Regina caeli

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