Accueil > Artistes > Hard Rock > Amanda Palmer > Albums et Singles

Albums et singles de Amanda palmer

The Mess Inside

1. The Mess Inside


1. Mother

In Harm's Way

1. In Harm's Way

Small Hands, Small Heart

1. Small Hands, Small Heart

Drowning in the Sound

1. Drowning in the Sound

Piano Is Evil

1. Bottomfeeder
2. The Bed Song
3. The Killing Type
4. Grown Man Cry
5. Smile (Pictures or It Didn't Happen)
6. Trout Heart Replica
7. Berlin
8. Do It With a Rockstar
9. Massachusetts Avenue
10. Melody Dean
11. Want It Back
12. Olly Olly Oxen Free
13. Lost

I Can Spin a Rainbow

1. Pulp Fiction
2. Shahla's Missing Page
3. The Shock of Kontakt
4. Beyond the Beach
5. The Clock at the Back of the Cage
6. The Changing Room
7. The Jack of Hands
8. Prithee/Liquidation Day
9. Rainbow's End

Rainbow's End

1. Rainbow's End

Beyond the Beach

1. Beyond the Beach

Sketches for the Musical Jib

1. The Box Song
2. The Boat Song
3. The Wolf Song
4. The Fear Song
5. The Star Song

On the Door

1. On the Door

You Got Me Singing (Track By Track)

1. You Got Me Singing - Commentary
2. Wynken, Blynken and Nod - Commentary
3. Again - Commentary
4. 1952 Vincent Black Lightning - Commentar
5. Louise Was Not Half Bad - Commentary
6. Black Boys on Mopeds / In The Heat Of Th
7. All I Could Do - Commentary
8. Pink Emerson Radio - Commentary
9. Skye Boat Song - Commentary
10. Glacier - Commentary
11. I Love You So Much - Commentary

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