Accueil > Artistes > B.O.F. > Alan Silvestri > Albums et Singles

Albums et singles de Alan silvestri

Forrest Gump - The Soundtrack

16. On The Road Again
16. Mrs. Robinson
4. Turn! Turn! Turn! (To Everything There I
10. Rainy Day Women #12 & 35
2. Let's Get Together
1. Volunteers
3. San Francisco (Be Sure To Wear Flowers I
1. Hound Dog
18. Forrest Gump Suite
14. I've Got To Use My Imagination
5. Aquarius/Let The Sunshine In
6. Everybody's Talkin'

Music From The Motion Picture Practical Magic

1. If You Ever Did Believe (Album Version)
2. This Kiss (Pop Remix a.k.a. Radio Versio
3. Got To Give It Up (Pt.1) (Album Version)
4. Is This Real? (Album Version)
5. Black Eyed Dog (Album Version)
6. A Case Of You (LP Version)
7. Nowhere And Everywhere (Album Version)
8. Always On My Mind (Album Version)
9. Everywhere (Album Version)
10. Coconut (Album Version)
11. Crystal (Album Version)
12. Practical Magic (Album Version)
13. Amas Veritas (Album Version)

G.i. Joe

1. Clan McCullen
2. MARS Industries
3. Delivering The Warheads
4. General Hawk
5. It Had To Be NATO's Fault!
6. King Cobra
7. What Happened To Her?
8. I Promise
9. The Pit Battle
10. They Intend To Use Them
11. Snake Eyes
12. I Have A Target In Mind
13. The Joes Mobilize
14. Nothern Route
15. Who Are You?
16. Deploy The Sharcs
17. Final Battle
18. Just About Close Enough
19. The Rise Of Cobra
20. I'm Not Giving Up On You
21. G.I. JOE - End Credits

G.i. Joe

1. Clan McCullen
2. MARS Industries
3. Delivering The Warheads
4. General Hawk
5. It Had To Be NATO's Fault!
6. King Cobra
7. What Happened To Her?
8. I Promise
9. The Pit Battle
10. They Intend To Use Them
11. Snake Eyes
12. I Have A Target In Mind
13. The Joes Mobilize
14. Nothern Route
15. Who Are You?
16. Deploy The Sharcs
17. Final Battle
18. Just About Close Enough
19. The Rise Of Cobra
20. I'm Not Giving Up On You
21. G.I. JOE - End Credits

Night At The Museum: Battle Of The Smithsonian

1. Night At The Museum: Battle Of The Smith
2. Daley Devices
3. This Night Is Their Last
4. To Washington
5. Getting Past Security
6. Finding Jed And The Others
7. I Have Come Back To Life
8. The Tablet
9. I Smell Adventure
10. He Doesn't Have All Night
11. The Adventure Continues
12. Octavius Attacks
13. Entering The Air & Space Museum
14. Escape In Wright Flyer
15. Got The Combination
16. Gate To The Underworld
17. I Ride The Squirrel
18. On Your Toes
19. The Battle
20. Divide The House
21. Victory Is Ours
22. Goodbye
23. Museum Open Late

Night At The Museum: Battle Of The Smithsonian

1. Night At The Museum: Battle Of The Smith
2. Daley Devices
3. This Night Is Their Last
4. To Washington
5. Getting Past Security
6. Finding Jed And The Others
7. I Have Come Back To Life
8. The Tablet
9. I Smell Adventure
10. He Doesn't Have All Night
11. The Adventure Continues
12. Octavius Attacks
13. Entering The Air & Space Museum
14. Escape In Wright Flyer
15. Got The Combination
16. Gate To The Underworld
17. I Ride The Squirrel
18. On Your Toes
19. The Battle
20. Divide The House
21. Victory Is Ours
22. Goodbye
23. Museum Open Late

Memorable Scores - Paramount Pictures 90th Anniversary

22. I'm Forrest ... Forrest Gump
14. "Hard To Starboard"
20. To the Roof
7. Flashback & Photos from Indecent Proposa
17. End Title from Star Trek®: The Motion Pi
21. Axel F from Beverly Hills Cop (1984)
1. Hymn to the Fallen from Saving Private R
9. Main Title (Vocal) from Rosemary's Baby
17. Semper Fidelis (Always Faithful) from Ru
12. Zoom B from Mission Impossible (1996)
4. Fatal Attraction from Fatal Attraction (
14. Love Theme From"The Godfather"
4. Departure/Morris Suggests Love/The Propo
18. Raiders of the Lost Ark (tm) from Raider
5. Prelude from Sunset Boulevard (1950)
10. For The Love Of A Princess from Bravehea
2. Main Title from Children of a Lesser God
19. Main Titles from Lara Croft: Tomb Raider
11. Courtroom Montage from Primal Fear (1996
6. Winter 1948 from Dead Again (1991)
6. Prelude from The Ten Commandments (1956)
8. Baby Elephant Walk from Hatari! (1962)
15. Baby Shower Happenings from The Rugrats
16. Italia
1. Buidling The Barn from Witness (1985)
5. Main Title from The Addams Family (1991)
19. Theme From Terms of Endearment (1983)
21. The Mission from Sum of All Fears (2002)
8. How Could You Lose Me? - End Title from
9. Main Title/A Clear And Present Danger fr
18. The Bait from Mission: Impossible 2 (200
13. End Credits from Star Trek (R): First Co
3. The Strength Of The Righteous (Main Titl
16. End Title from The Godfather - Part II (
10. Love Theme from Romeo & Juliet (1968)
12. Theme from Love Story from Love Story (1
15. Love Theme From Chinatown (Main Title) (
7. Moon River from Breakfast at Tiffany's (
11. Once Upon A Time In The West from Once U
2. Prelude from Double Indemnity (1944)
20. Love Theme From Flashdance (1983)
13. Main Title (The Godfather Waltz)
3. Finale from the Lost Weekend (1945)

Night At The Museum

1. Night At The Museum
2. One Of Those Days
3. An Ordinary Guy?
4. Tour Of The Museum
5. Civil War Soldiers
6. Out Of Africa
7. Meet Dexter
8. Mayan Warriors
9. Where's Rexy?
10. West From Africa
11. The Iron Horse
12. Saved By Teddy
13. Tablet Of Akmenrah
14. Tracking, Dear Boy
15. Some Men Are Born Great
16. Sunrise
17. Study Up On History
18. Teddy Likes Sacagawea
19. Tearing Limbs
20. Caveman On Fire
21. Outrun The Sun
22. Show You What I Do
23. Tablet's Gone
24. Theodore Roosevelt At Your Service
25. This Is Your Moment
26. Rally The Troops
27. Tree Take Down
28. Cecil's Escape
29. Stage Coach
30. Teddy In Two
31. Cab Ride
32. Big Fan
33. Heroes Return
34. A Great Man
35. Full House

Predator 2

1. Main Title
2. First Carnage
3. Tunnel Chase
4. Truly Dead
5. Danny Gets It
6. Rest In Pieces
7. El Scorpio
8. This Is History
9. Swinging Rude Boys
10. Dem Bones
11. End Title

Back To The Future Iii

1. Main Title
2. It's Clara
3. Hill Valley
4. The Hanging
5. At First Sight
6. Indians
7. Goodbye Clara
8. Doc Returns
9. Point Of No Return
10. The Future Isn't Written
11. The Showdown
12. Doc To The Rescue
13. The Kiss
14. We're Out Of Gas
15. Wake Up Juice
16. A Science Experiment?
17. Doubleback
18. End Credits

Lara Croft Tomb Raider: Cradle Of Life

1. Opening
2. The Luna Temple
3. Shark Attack
4. I Need Terry Sheridan
5. Arrival In China
6. Captured By The Shay Ling
7. Escape From Chen
8. Flower Pagoda Battle
9. Skydive Getaway
10. Orb Transmission
11. Journey To The Cradle Of Life
12. The Cradle Of Life
13. Pandora's Box
14. Not Meant To Be Found
15. Lara Croft - Tomb Raider

Mouse Hunt

1. Mouse Hunt - Main Title
2. Funeral Prologue
3. Chez Ernie
4. Dying Wish
5. Charles Lyle Larue
6. What Are You Doing?
7. Nail Gun
8. Hot Tuboggan
9. Cherry Catapult
10. Ernie Finds The Contract
11. Silent Movie
12. Caesar's Big Drag
13. Shotgun Chase
14. Insufficient Postage
15. Flaming Doo
16. String Cheese
17. Mouse Hunt - End Credits

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