Albums et singles de Papadosio
5.11.19 | Red Rocks Ampitheatre | Morrison, CO
1. |
We Are Water, Pt. 1 - Live |
2. |
Write Sing Play Mix - Live |
3. |
Fire Rite - Live |
4. |
Skipswitch, Pt. 1 - Live |
5. |
We Are Water, Pt. 2 - Live |
6. |
Skipswitch, Pt. 2 - Live |
7. |
Method of Control - Live |
8. |
Jungle Boogie - Live |
9. |
Find Your Cloud - Live |
10. |
Pool of Stars - Live |
11. |
The Eyes Have Eyes - Live |
12. |
Unparalyzer - Live |
Live Selections | Spring 2019
1. |
Frequence - Live at Animas City Theatre, |
2. |
The World is a Cube - Live at Animas Cit |
3. |
Improbability Blotter - Live at the Aggi |
4. |
Hippie Babysitter - Live at Old Town Pub |
5. |
Cue - Live at Mesa Theatre, Grand Juncti |
6. |
Holy Heck - Live at Workplay Theatre, Bi |
7. |
Smile and Nod - Live at Vinyl Music Hall |
8. |
We Are Water, Pt. 1 - Live at Funk Fest, |
9. |
The Bionic Man Meets His Past - Live at |
10. |
We Are Water, Pt. 2 - Live at Funk Fest, |
11. |
Oracle Theme - Live at Madison Theatre, |
12. |
Puddles for Oceans - Live from Madison T |
13. |
Skipswitch - Live at Elevation 27, Virgi |
14. |
Find Your Cloud - Live from Club XL Live |
15. |
Ear to Ear - Live at Brooklyn Bowl, Broo |
16. |
You & Yourself - Live at Brooklyn Bowl, |
17. |
Polygons - Live at Brooklyn Bowl, Brookl |
18. |
Anima Mundi - Live at the National, Rich |
19. |
Unparalyzer - Live at the Haunt, Ithaca, |
20. |
Snorkle - Live at the Town Ballroom, Buf |
21. |
Paradigm Shift - Live at Philadelphia TL |
22. |
Curve - Live at Gateway City Arts, Holyo |
23. |
Sos1 - Live at the Sinclair, Boston, MA, |
24. |
Write Sing Play Mix - Live at Asbury Lan |
25. |
Now That You Know - Live at Soundstage, |
26. |
Magreenery - Live at Soundstage, Baltimo |
Live Selections | Fall 2018
1. |
Fire Rite - Live at Variety Playhouse, A |
2. |
The Chicago Bridge Incident - Live from |
3. |
Mr Turtles Cloud Kingdom - Live from Res |
4. |
Snorkle - Live at the Riviera Theatre, C |
5. |
Distress Signal - Live at the Arcata The |
6. |
Just Like the Days - Live at the Arcata |
7. |
Snorkle - Live at Hifi Music Hall, Eugen |
8. |
Monochrome - Live at Neumo's, Seattle, W |
9. |
New Love - Live at the Star Theatre, Por |
10. |
Geoglyph - Live at the Star Theatre, Por |
11. |
Fanfare for the Rain People - Live at th |
12. |
Skipswitch - Live at George's Majestic, |
13. |
The Bionic Man Meets His Past - Live at |
14. |
Advocate of Change - Live at the Bourbon |
15. |
Polygons - Live at the Majestic Theatre, |
16. |
Dream Estate - Live at the Majestic Thea |
17. |
Anima Mundi - Live at the Lincoln Theatr |
18. |
Fuse - Live at 9: 30 Club, Washington, D |
19. |
The Eyes Have Eyes - Live at the Newport |
20. |
Skipswitch - Live at the Newport Music H |
21. |
Giving You Up - Live at the Rex Theatre, |
22. |
We Are Water - Live at the Rex Theatre, |
23. |
The World is a Cube - Live at the Rex Th |
Content Coma
1. |
Write Sing Play Mix |
2. |
Distress Signal |
3. |
Liminal Daybreak |
4. |
Skipswitch |
5. |
Just Like the Days |
6. |
No End |
7. |
Fire Rite |
8. |
Pool of Stars |
9. |
The World is a Cube |
10. |
Content Coma |
11. |
Fanfare for the Rain People |
12. |
Passage |
12.18.16 | Improv Set | Park Street Saloon | Columbus, Oh
1. |
How's My Zenglish |
2. |
You're Gonna Need a Bigger Goat |
3. |
Guy of the Tiger |
4. |
Flibberty Gilbert |
5. |
A Great Man Once Said... |
6. |
Nevermind |
7. |
Weekend at Bernie Sanders |
8. |
Candy Cain & Abel |
9. |
Bonus Level (Is That Beau!?!) |
10. |
There's a Snake in My Bootsy Collins |
Pattern Integrities
1. |
Each and Every Wave |
2. |
Oblivion |
3. |
Threes |
4. |
Vactrollio |
5. |
Mr. Turtles Cloud Kingdom |
6. |
Euclidean Lights |
7. |
Drift |
8. |
Omnifreeze |
Extras In A Movie
1. |
The Last Leaf |
2. |
Out of Hiding |
3. |
Epiphany |
4. |
Bypass Default |
5. |
2AM |
6. |
Glimpse of Light |
7. |
Anima Mundi |
8. |
Open |
9. |
Ritual |
10. |
The Wrong Nostalgia |
11. |
Therian |
12. |
We Can Always Come Back |
13. |
Distant Days |
14. |
Obove |
15. |
Gazing the Great Oscillator |
16. |
Moon Entendre |