Accueil > Artistes > Pop, Rock > Papadosio > Albums et Singles

Albums et singles de Papadosio

5.11.19 | Red Rocks Ampitheatre | Morrison, CO

1. We Are Water, Pt. 1 - Live
2. Write Sing Play Mix - Live
3. Fire Rite - Live
4. Skipswitch, Pt. 1 - Live
5. We Are Water, Pt. 2 - Live
6. Skipswitch, Pt. 2 - Live
7. Method of Control - Live
8. Jungle Boogie - Live
9. Find Your Cloud - Live
10. Pool of Stars - Live
11. The Eyes Have Eyes - Live
12. Unparalyzer - Live

Live Selections | Spring 2019

1. Frequence - Live at Animas City Theatre,
2. The World is a Cube - Live at Animas Cit
3. Improbability Blotter - Live at the Aggi
4. Hippie Babysitter - Live at Old Town Pub
5. Cue - Live at Mesa Theatre, Grand Juncti
6. Holy Heck - Live at Workplay Theatre, Bi
7. Smile and Nod - Live at Vinyl Music Hall
8. We Are Water, Pt. 1 - Live at Funk Fest,
9. The Bionic Man Meets His Past - Live at
10. We Are Water, Pt. 2 - Live at Funk Fest,
11. Oracle Theme - Live at Madison Theatre,
12. Puddles for Oceans - Live from Madison T
13. Skipswitch - Live at Elevation 27, Virgi
14. Find Your Cloud - Live from Club XL Live
15. Ear to Ear - Live at Brooklyn Bowl, Broo
16. You & Yourself - Live at Brooklyn Bowl,
17. Polygons - Live at Brooklyn Bowl, Brookl
18. Anima Mundi - Live at the National, Rich
19. Unparalyzer - Live at the Haunt, Ithaca,
20. Snorkle - Live at the Town Ballroom, Buf
21. Paradigm Shift - Live at Philadelphia TL
22. Curve - Live at Gateway City Arts, Holyo
23. Sos1 - Live at the Sinclair, Boston, MA,
24. Write Sing Play Mix - Live at Asbury Lan
25. Now That You Know - Live at Soundstage,
26. Magreenery - Live at Soundstage, Baltimo

Live Selections | Fall 2018

1. Fire Rite - Live at Variety Playhouse, A
2. The Chicago Bridge Incident - Live from
3. Mr Turtles Cloud Kingdom - Live from Res
4. Snorkle - Live at the Riviera Theatre, C
5. Distress Signal - Live at the Arcata The
6. Just Like the Days - Live at the Arcata
7. Snorkle - Live at Hifi Music Hall, Eugen
8. Monochrome - Live at Neumo's, Seattle, W
9. New Love - Live at the Star Theatre, Por
10. Geoglyph - Live at the Star Theatre, Por
11. Fanfare for the Rain People - Live at th
12. Skipswitch - Live at George's Majestic,
13. The Bionic Man Meets His Past - Live at
14. Advocate of Change - Live at the Bourbon
15. Polygons - Live at the Majestic Theatre,
16. Dream Estate - Live at the Majestic Thea
17. Anima Mundi - Live at the Lincoln Theatr
18. Fuse - Live at 9: 30 Club, Washington, D
19. The Eyes Have Eyes - Live at the Newport
20. Skipswitch - Live at the Newport Music H
21. Giving You Up - Live at the Rex Theatre,
22. We Are Water - Live at the Rex Theatre,
23. The World is a Cube - Live at the Rex Th

Content Coma

1. Write Sing Play Mix
2. Distress Signal
3. Liminal Daybreak
4. Skipswitch
5. Just Like the Days
6. No End
7. Fire Rite
8. Pool of Stars
9. The World is a Cube
10. Content Coma
11. Fanfare for the Rain People
12. Passage

Content Coma

1. Content Coma

Pool of Stars

1. Pool of Stars

Distress Signal

1. Distress Signal

12.18.16 | Improv Set | Park Street Saloon | Columbus, Oh

1. How's My Zenglish
2. You're Gonna Need a Bigger Goat
3. Guy of the Tiger
4. Flibberty Gilbert
5. A Great Man Once Said...
6. Nevermind
7. Weekend at Bernie Sanders
8. Candy Cain & Abel
9. Bonus Level (Is That Beau!?!)
10. There's a Snake in My Bootsy Collins

Pattern Integrities

1. Each and Every Wave
2. Oblivion
3. Threes
4. Vactrollio
5. Mr. Turtles Cloud Kingdom
6. Euclidean Lights
7. Drift
8. Omnifreeze

Extras In A Movie

1. The Last Leaf
2. Out of Hiding
3. Epiphany
4. Bypass Default
5. 2AM
6. Glimpse of Light
7. Anima Mundi
8. Open
9. Ritual
10. The Wrong Nostalgia
11. Therian
12. We Can Always Come Back
13. Distant Days
14. Obove
15. Gazing the Great Oscillator
16. Moon Entendre


1. Epiphany

Glimpse of Light

1. Glimpse of Light

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