Accueil > Artistes > Electro, Trip Hop > Klaus Schulze > Albums et Singles

Albums et singles de Klaus schulze


1. Silhouettes
2. Der lange Blick zurück
3. Quae simplex
4. Châteaux faits de vent

The Crime of Suspense

1. Good Old 4 on the Floor
2. J.E.M.
3. Overchill
4. Ruins - Bonustrack
5. Castles - Bonustrack


1. Freeze
2. Pain
3. Memory
4. Surrender
5. Beyond
6. Silent Survivor - Bonustrack

Vanity of Sounds

1. Vanity of Sounds
2. Sacred Romance
3. The Wings of String
4. From Words to Silence

Eternal - The 70th Birthday Edition

1. Rhodes Romance
2. Minority Report
3. Mongolia
4. Schrittmacher
5. Ion/Andromeda
6. Andromeda-The Grand Trance

Ultimate Docking

1. Let the Rain Come
2. You Get What...
3. Strong
4. Sugar Mode
5. Strong - Dub Version
6. What You Deserve - Poly Dub
7. What You Deserve - Instrumental Version

Das Wagner Desaster (Live)

1. Wagner (Live) - Wild Mix
2. Nietzsche (Live) - Wild Mix
3. Entfremdung (Live) [Encore in Paris] - W
4. Versöhnung (Live) [Encore in Rome] - Sof
1. Liebe (Live) - Soft Mix
2. Hass (Live) - Soft Mix
3. Encore Sevilla (Live) - Bonustrack

Live @ Klangart

1. Breeze to Sequence - Live at the KlangAr
2. Loops to Groove - Live at the KlangArt F
3. From Church to Search - Live at the Klan
4. I Loop You Schwindelig - Bonustrack
5. Short Romance - Bonustrack
1. La Fugue Sequenza - Live At The KlangArt
2. Cavalleria Cellisticana - Live At The Kl
3. Tracks of Desire - Live at the KlangArt
4. Last Move at Osnabrück - Live at the Kla
5. Os 9.07 - Bonustrack

The Dark Side of the Moog (Complete Version, Vol. 3)

1. Set the Control to the Heart of the Moth
2. Set the Control to the Heart of the Moth
3. Set the Control to the Heart of the Moth
4. Set the Control to the Heart of the Moth
5. Set the Control to the Heart of the Moth
6. Set the Control to the Heart of the Moth
1. Astro Know Me Domina, Pt. 1
2. Astro Know Me Domina, Pt. 2
3. Astro Know Me Domina, Pt. 3
4. Astro Know Me Domina, Pt. 4
5. Astro Know Me Domina, Pt. 5
6. Astro Know Me Domina, Pt. 6
1. The Heart of Our Nearest Star, Pt. 1
2. The Heart of Our Nearest Star, Pt. 2
3. The Heart of Our Nearest Star, Pt. 3
4. The Heart of Our Nearest Star, Pt. 4
1. Hamburg, Pt. 1 (Bonus Track) - Live at F
2. Hamburg, Pt. 2 (Bonus Track) - Live at F

The Dark Side of the Moog, Vol. 11

1. The Heart of Our Nearest Star, Pt. 1
2. The Heart of Our Nearest Star, Pt. 2
3. The Heart of Our Nearest Star, Pt. 3
4. The Heart of Our Nearest Star, Pt. 4

The Dark Side of the Moog, Vol. 9

1. Set the Control to the Heart of the Moth
2. Set the Control to the Heart of the Moth
3. Set the Control to the Heart of the Moth
4. Set the Control to the Heart of the Moth
5. Set the Control to the Heart of the Moth
6. Set the Control to the Heart of the Moth

The Dark Side of the Moog, Vol. 10

1. Astro Know Me Domina, Pt. 1
2. Astro Know Me Domina, Pt. 2
3. Astro Know Me Domina, Pt. 3
4. Astro Know Me Domina, Pt. 4
5. Astro Know Me Domina, Pt. 5
6. Astro Know Me Domina, Pt. 6

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