Accueil > Artistes > Wowo Mndau > Albums et Singles

Albums et singles de Wowo mndau

Piano on Beats

1. Spreading Dawn
2. Let's Shake Hands
3. My One
4. Amazolo
5. Fresh Ginger
6. Your Presence, My Joy
7. That's Right
8. Piano on Beats
9. Uju
10. Uyathandeka
11. At His Feet
12. Umthandazo
13. Island Feel
14. Smile Often
15. Garden of Melodies
16. Uncovering New Levels
17. Sobabili
18. Never Thirst Again
19. Who You With
20. Choose Life
21. Hamba Nami

Green Leaf

1. Let's Go
2. Green Leaf
3. My Better Half
4. Philani
5. Less Talk
6. Soldier On
7. Look to Him
8. Ungesabi
9. He's Alive
10. Truly Yours
11. Khululeka
12. Bophelo
13. A Tiny Dance
14. At the Proper Time
15. Guard Your Lips
16. A Baby Skin

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