Accueil > Artistes > Jan Lewan and His Orchestra > Albums et Singles

Albums et singles de Jan lewan and his orchestra

Greatest Hits of a Polka King

1. Rappin’ Polka (Live)
2. Pijany Szwagier Polka (Instrumental)
3. Red Apple Oberek (Live)
4. Twelve Angels Waltz
5. Polish Wedding March (Instrumental)
6. Mrs. Pennsylvania (Live)
7. Just Do It Polka (Instrumental) [Live]
8. Pytala Sie Pani (Live)
9. If It's Love
10. Polish Medley: Jak Szybko Mijaja Chwile
11. Milwaukee Jam (Instrumental)
12. The Killer Bees (Instrumental)
13. Your Wish Is My Command
14. Jeszcze Po Kropelce Polka
15. Jarzebina Czerwona Waltz
16. Miala Baba Koguta Polka
17. Midnight Train Polka
18. If I Knew Polka
19. Trumpeter’s Waltz (Instrumental)
20. Babci’s Polka (Instrumental)
21. Watch over Them Polka
22. The Lewan Collection (Remastered)
23. Maryska Polka (Remastered)
24. Tylko We Lwowie Oberek (Remastered)
25. Cry Baby Polka (Remastered)
26. More Is My Love (Remastered)
27. Pierogi Baby Polka (Remastered)
28. Clarineter’s Polka (Instrumental) [Remas
29. 5th Avenue Medley: O Moj Rozmarinie / Wo
30. One More Time Polka (Remastered)
31. Rainbow Ride Polka (Instrumental) [Remas
32. To Be an American (Remastered)

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