Accueil > Artistes > Amerique Latine > Calypso Rhythm > Albums et Singles

Albums et singles de Calypso rhythm

World's Novelty Champions: Calypso Rhythm

1. Blu La Lup
2. Penny Wheel
3. Country Gal
4. Night Food
5. Ethiopia
6. Manasa
7. Healing In The Barn Yard
8. Linstead Market


1. Ten Penny Nail
2. Dry Weather
3. Country Gal
4. Night Food
5. Green Guava
6. Big Boy
7. Miss Goosie
8. Manasa
9. Chambolona

Talking Parrot

1. Healing In The Barn Yard
2. Talking Parrot
3. Hill & Gully
4. Ethiopia
5. Old Lady
6. Blu La Lup
7. Penny Wheel
8. Long Time Gal
9. Linstead Market

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