Accueil > Artistes > Variétés internationales > The Soft Moon > Albums et Singles

Albums et singles de The soft moon

Deeper Remixed

1. Desertion - Phase Fatale Remix
2. Being - Ancient Methods Remix
3. Far - Blush Response Remix
4. Without - Codex Empire Remix
5. Black - Trentemøller Remix
6. Deeper - Fango Remix
7. Wrong - Dave Clark Remix
8. Feel - Ninos Du Brasil Remix

Without (Codex Empire Remix)

1. Without - Codex Empire Remix

Desertion (Phase Fatale Remix)

1. Desertion - Phase Fatale Remix

Feel (Ninos Du Brasil Remix)

1. Feel - Ninos Du Brasil Remix

Being (Ancient Methods Remix)

1. Being - Ancient Methods Remix

Wrong (Dave Clarke Remix)

1. Wrong - Dave Clarke Remix


1. Inward
2. Black
3. Far
4. Wasting
5. Wrong
6. Try
7. Desertion
8. Without
9. Feel
10. Deeper
11. Being


1. Desertion


1. Far

Black (Trentemøller Remix)

1. Black - Trentemøller Remix

Total Decay

1. The Soft Moon - Repetition
2. The Soft Moon - Alive
3. The Soft Moon - Total Decay
4. The Soft Moon - Visions

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