Accueil > Artistes > Rap, Hip Hop international > "Weird Al" Yankovic > Albums et Singles

Albums et singles de "weird al" yankovic


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Straight Outta Lynwood

1. White & Nerdy (Parody of "Ridin'" by Cha
2. Pancreas
3. Canadian Idiot (Parody of "American Idio
4. I'll Sue Ya
5. Polkarama!
6. Virus Alert
7. Confessions Part III (Parody of "Confess
8. Weasel Stomping Day
9. Close But No Cigar
10. Do I Creep You Out (Parody of "Do I Make
11. Trapped In The Drive-Thru (Parody of "Tr
12. Don't Download This Song

Whatever You Like

1. Whatever You Like

Straight Outta Lynwood

1. White & Nerdy (Parody of "Ridin'" by Cha
2. Pancreas
3. Canadian Idiot (Parody of "American Idio
4. I'll Sue Ya
5. Polkarama!
6. Virus Alert
7. Confessions Part III (Parody of "Confess
8. Weasel Stomping Day
9. Close But No Cigar
10. Do I Creep You Out (Parody of "Do I Make
11. Trapped In The Drive-Thru (Parody of "Tr
12. Don't Download This Song

White & Nerdy

1. White & Nerdy (Parody of "Ridin'" by Cha
2. Don't Download This Song

Straight Outta Lynwood

1. White & Nerdy (Parody of "Ridin'" by Cha
2. Pancreas
3. Canadian Idiot (Parody of "American Idio
4. I'll Sue Ya
5. Polkarama!
6. Virus Alert
7. Confessions Part III (Parody of "Confess
8. Weasel Stomping Day
9. Close But No Cigar
10. Do I Creep You Out (Parody of "Do I Make
11. Trapped In The Drive-Thru (Parody of "Tr

The Tv Album

1. Bedrock Anthem
2. I Can't Watch This
3. Frank's 2000" TV
4. Money for Nothing/Beverly Hillbillies
5. Ricky
6. Talk Soup
7. Here's Johnny
8. The Brady Bunch
9. Cable TV
10. I Lost On Jeopardy
11. UHF

Greatest Hits, Vol. 2

1. Headline News
2. Bedrock Anthem
3. You Don't Love Me Anymore
4. Smells Like Nirvana
5. Achy Breaky Song
6. UHF
7. Money for Nothing/Beverly Hillbillies
8. Jurassic Park
9. This Is The Life
10. Polka Your Eyes Out
11. Yoda
12. Christmas At Ground Zero

Weird Al Yankovic

1. Ricky
2. Gotta Boogie
3. I Love Rocky Road
4. Buckingham Blues
5. Happy Birthday
6. Stop Draggin' My Car Around
7. My Bologna
8. The Check's In The Mail
9. Another One Rides The Bus
10. I'll Be Mellow When I'm Dead
11. Such A Groovy Guy
12. Mr. Frump In The Iron Lung

Uhf: Weird Al Yankovic

1. Money for Nothing/Beverly Hillbillies
2. Gandhi II
3. Attack Of The Radioactive Hamsters From
4. Isle Thing
5. The Hot Rocks Polka
6. UHF
7. Let Me Be Your Hog
8. She Drives Like Crazy
9. Generic Blues
10. Spatula City
11. Fun Zone
12. Spam
13. The Biggest Ball Of Twine In Minnesota

Dare To Be Stupid

1. Like A Surgeon
4. One More Minute
5. Yoda
7. Slime Creatures From Outer Space
9. This Is The Life
10. Cable TV
11. Hooked On Polkas
3. I Want A New Duck
8. Girls Just Want To Have Lunch
2. Dare to Be Stupid

Greatest Hits

1. Fat
3. Like A Surgeon
4. Ricky
5. Addicted To Spuds
8. Lasagna
9. I Lost On Jeopardy
10. One More Minute
2. Eat It
6. Living With A Hernia
7. Dare To Be Stupid

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