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Benjamin Britten

Britten: Billy Budd/the Holy Sonnets Of John Donne Etc.

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The Holy Sonnets of John Donne, Op.35: 1. O, my blacke Soule!
The Holy Sonnets of John Donne, Op.35: 2. Better my heart
The Holy Sonnets of John Donne, Op.35: 3. O might those sighes and teares
The Holy Sonnets of John Donne, Op.35: 4. Oh, to vex me
The Holy Sonnets of John Donne, Op.35: 5. What if this present
The Holy Sonnets of John Donne, Op.35: 6. Since she whom I loved
The Holy Sonnets of John Donne, Op.35: 7. At the round earth's imagined corners
The Holy Sonnets of John Donne, Op.35: 8. Thou hast made me
The Holy Sonnets of John Donne, Op.35: 9. Death, be not proud
Songs & Proverbs of William Blake, Op.74: The Pride of the Peacock...London
Songs & Proverbs of William Blake, Op.74: Prisons are built...The Chimney Sweeper
Songs & Proverbs of William Blake, Op.74: The Bird anest...A Poison Tree
Songs & Proverbs of William Blake, Op.74: Think in the morning...The Tyger
Songs & Proverbs of William Blake, Op.74: The Tygers of wrath...The Fly
Songs & Proverbs of William Blake, Op.74: The hours of folly...Ah, Sun Flower
Songs & Proverbs of William Blake, Op.74: To see a world...Every night and every morn
Billy Budd, Op.50: I am an old man who has experienced much
Billy Budd, Op.50: Pull, my bantams!
Billy Budd, Op.50: Guard boat! Indomitable!
Billy Budd, Op.50: First man forward!
Billy Budd, Op.50: Your name? Billy Budd, sir
Billy Budd, Op.50: Billy Budd, king of the birds!
Billy Budd, Op.50: I heard, your honour!
Billy Budd, Op.50: Come along kid! Come along!
Billy Budd, Op.50: Christ, the poor chap!
Billy Budd, Op.50: What's that? What's those whistles?
Billy Budd, Op.50: Starry Vere we call him
Billy Budd, Op.50: Boy! My compliments to Mr. Redburn
Billy Budd, Op.50: Gentlemen, the King!
Billy Budd, Op.50: Ay, at Spithead the men may have had their grievances
Billy Budd, Op.50: We are, sir. Claggart is an able one
Billy Budd, Op.50: Blow, blow, blow
Billy Budd, Op.50: We're off to Samoa by way of Genoa
Billy Budd, Op.50: Hi! You a... a... a...
Billy Budd, Op.50: Over the water...Handsomely done
Billy Budd, Op.50: Come here. Remember your promise
Billy Budd, Op.50: Billy! Hist! Billy Budd!
Billy Budd, Op.50: Dansker, old friend, glad to see you
Billy Budd, Op.50: I don't like the look of the mist, Mr. Redburn
Billy Budd, Op.50: With great regret I must disturb your honour
Billy Budd, Op.50: Deck ahoy! Enemy sail on starboard bow
Billy Budd, Op.50: Who'll volunteer to board 'em
Billy Budd, Op.50: There you are again, Master-at-arms
Billy Budd, Op.50: O this cursed mist
Billy Budd, Op.50: Claggart, John Claggart, beware!
Billy Budd, Op.50: Master-at-arms and foretopman
Billy Budd, Op.50: God o' mercy! Here, help me!
Billy Budd, Op.50: Gentlemen, William Budd here has killed
Billy Budd, Op.50: William Budd, you are accused by Captain Vere
Billy Budd, Op.50: Poor fellow, who could save him?

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