Accueil > Artistes > Amerique Latine > Aaron Copland > Composers Conduct Appalachian Spring; The Tender Land: Suite & Fall River Legend

Aaron Copland

Composers Conduct Appalachian Spring; The Tender Land: Suite & Fall River Legend

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Appalachian Spring (Ballet for Martha): Introduction of characters
Appalachian Spring (Ballet for Martha): Display of Action
Appalachian Spring (Ballet for Martha): Pas de deux for the bride and groom
Appalachian Spring (Ballet for Martha): Revival meeting
Appalachian Spring (Ballet for Martha): Bride's solo
Appalachian Spring (Ballet for Martha): Reprise of the introduction
Appalachian Spring (Ballet for Martha): Shaker theme, "The Gift to Be Simple," and variations underscoring scenes of daily activity for the bride and groom
Appalachian Spring (Ballet for Martha): Coda
The Tender Land: Suite: Introduction and Love Music
The Tender Land: Suite: Party Scene
The Tender Land: Suite: Finale: The Promise of Living
Fall River Legend: Prologue and Waltzes
Fall River Legend: Elegy
Fall River Legend: Church Social
Fall River Legend: Hymnal Variations
Fall River Legend: Cotillion
Fall River Legend: Epilogue
Latin-American Symphonette: Tango
Latin-American Symphonette: Guaracha

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